Kenyan Blogs

Friday, March 23, 2007

Bringing Back The African Virginity

When I saw Sir Richard Branson on his famous TV show, The Rebel
Billionaire, I wondered why he had not done any scene in Kenya. Well
worry no more boy because the Knight is here for a different show
altogether. Literally speaking he has brought virginity to Kenya. He
is to introduce a flight to and from london daily with his Virgin
Airlines. He claims that profits from this venture will be going
towards cleaning the environment. From a person who was knighted by
the queen herself I would say this is very "noble" and "gentleman" of
However, I have some issues with his motive and generally, the big
brother attitude towards Kenya. What is so wrong with Kenya Airways
(obviously the pride of Africa) that would make this Knight boast (in
an interview with NTV) that what Virgin is doing is offering a SAFE
and cheap travel for flights EXCLUSIVELY to and from LONDON? Is this
just another way of Britain taking the travel advisory to a whole new
level? Otherwise we are supposed to see a good man with a big heart
for orphaned elephants in Kenya (of all the people there is) ,
concerned about our safety (or his countrymen's) and an
enviromentalist with an cleaning mission.
Maybe he is bringing back the lost African Virginity. Anyway, what's a
Kenyan Child to think??

1 comment:

Girl next door said...

I have a lot of beef with the Brits condescending attitude. Here they go again. When they launch something new in an African country, they make it seem as though the service or product was non-existent till they stepped in. As you said,Kenya Airways has been flying that route. Though I can't comment on their service coz I haven't flown that route with them.